Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chapter 46: Speak of the Devil

My mom told me that when she was younger her brothers and she called her sister Buffy. Her sister thought it was after a character on a TV show and was enthusiastic for the nickname because she loved that character. My mom told me that what they never told her sister was that “Buffy” was short for Buffalo, and they were calling her sister Buffalo because she would pound around the house and they could always hear her coming.
With that I continue my rant about Motor Mouth whom from this time forth will be called MM or M&M…either way, that way if she were to find it after this point she might think the name was more endearing then it actually is. She knocked on my door today during her lunch break, opened the door even though I had not welcomed her in yet, I could have been half naked! So since she did this I’m pretty sure she saw my over dramatic spin up from my seat where I was rolling my eyes…okay, never mind she just came and talked to me
She got a phone call from a lady who has my dog! So instead of just saying, “We found your dog!” she starts off with, “hear me out.” And just like all these other freaks in my life who try to tell me what to do she proceeded to tell me that she thinks it would be best if I just let these people have the dog! First off, they saw the flyer a long time ago and never called then, so I’m supposed to say, “Oh yeah, you’ve kept my dog for two months without giving me so much as a phone call to let me know that he wasn’t dead, but you know what, go ahead and keep him.” Hell no! I want my dog, and you know what MM has made it perfectly clear that she doesn’t want the dog here so I’ll see what my other options are but I’m not going to let her keep my dog when she didn’t have the common decency to call when she first saw the flyer! And I know it’s horrible but one of my thoughts was to tell MM that it’s a $400 dog…you don’t just give those away to strangers who didn’t bother to call sooner. Yes, I’m happy my dog is okay and that he is alive…but I want him back.
And you know what? Why did MM have to come and say, “We need to talk,” rather then just saying, “I found your dog!”? For someone who doesn’t like drama she sure lathers it on.
And the fact that she tells me that she thinks it’s best that we let them keep him pisses me off because who is she to tell me what to do and to make me feel bad about wanting my dog back!?

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