Thursday, February 19, 2009

And I got what I got all despite you and I get what I get just to spite you.

Okay, it's been a while and it's not like I really have time on my hands to do this, but I am going to do it because I love you guys.

So Wednesday morning I put my facebook status as, something like I'm excited for the concert. Cause I was. If people reply to this it's no biggie, because I put it out there. Don't e-mail me at work and hound me about it. So of course this means that nosey SFHB e-mails me and asks me what concert I'm going to and who with. She e-mailed me in the morning and I waited until 4:58 to write her back and tell her that I was going to see "Against Grace". I did not inform her who with.

I felt bad about this, not in the sense that I was going to apologize or that I worried about her feelings. It was the kind of bad you feel in retrospect and also not the kind where you feel bad for the person. It was the feel bad because if anyone else had asked I don't think I would be as upset/annoyed. Like when Diva asked if I wanted to hang out with her because we would both be in UT at the same time she threw in that she knows I don't like to do that but was asking anyway. I wrote back and told her we could (and I really think it would be fun) and that I don't actually mind hanging out with people from home when I'm across the country (really how many people can actually do that!?) it just applied to SFHB. I'm a rotten person...what can be done?

More writing I suppose.
So this morning she e-mails me and asks me how it was and I write back and said that I had a lot of fun and am a little in love with the band. I also tell her that I'll post the pictures tonight. I felt like that was substantial information. But when I got back from lunch there was an e-mail from her. She asked again who I went with and the little brat in my head is telling me to just not write back. She'll find out when she sees the pictures! I don't know why I'm so prideful on this issue. Seriously, I should just say, "Diva and Petunia. What now!?"

...can I do it? I don't know.

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