Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welcome to my world!

Word of the Day: Doctrinaire - stubbornly insistent on the application of a theory without regard to practicality.

Hey, 5 followers, yea! Granted one of them is actually just me, but 5 is better than 4 so I stay. I just want to thank all of those who have decided to click on the little "Follow this blog" link. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have been most munificent towards me. The impact you have on my self esteem as well as on my Internet blogging dreams has been incalculable. (Hint, hint to those who read regularly but do not click).

Oops, shameless self advertising.

Which came first the Dictator or the Dictatorship?

I am making my own form of government. Well, at least my own way that work should be run. In the course of coming up with a name for my government I have pondered how Dictatorships came to be. Not the political background, just the word. Was there first the word Dictator so therefore the government they had was called a Dictatorship. Or was there a dictatorship and the person who ruled was called a Dictator? (Have I lost anyone yet? Oh...everyone?? My bad!)

It all began when my cohorts and I went to lunch (this included Boss Lady). I have a format to how I eat lunch - first you eat the food that does not reheat well (i.e. french fries) and lastly you eat the food that makes good leftovers (i.e. chicken fingers). So at lunch Boss Lady assumed that I did not enjoy my chicken fingers because I had not touched them and I had to explain to her my order to things. It is sometimes impossible to finish a full meal when you go out to eat, you never know when your stomach is not stretched and up for the challenge, so you must make every preparation possible. The fries are nasty reheated, so they must always be the first to be consumed.
Having explained that to them I felt compelled to inform them that there are proper ways to eat other foods, such as; Swiss cake rolls, Reese's Peanut Butter cups, Twix bars, Butterfingers, etc. (all of which I no longer eat). Then I informed Boss Lady that should I ever be "forced" to conduct interviews one of my decision making questions would be, "How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?" I think that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they savour their candy.

Since curiosity is probably eating away at you right now here are the proper ways to eat the aforementioned items.

The Swiss Cake Roll

First you peel off the layer of chocolate, then you unroll the Swiss cake roll and either eat it as a sheet or lick off the white creme first - depending on what mood you are in. Once you have finished you begin over at step one.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cup - First you nibble off the perfect little chocolate edges, then you peel the top chocolate layer and savor. If you're truly talented you then peel off the thin bottom layer, if you're not that talented don't sweat it. Once the chocolate has been removed stick the remaining peanut butter disc of perfection into your mouth and let sit for a few seconds before chewing.

The Twix Bar

First (as is customary with chocolate confections) you nibble off as much chocolate as you can. Then you consume the caramel (sometimes using your teeth to scrape it off the cookie delight remaining.) One all chocolate and caramel has been removed you stick the remaining cookie core in your mouth and bite in quick succession slowly pushing the cookie forward until it is completely disintegrated inside your mouth. Chew and enjoy.

The Butterfinger

This one is easy and probably has less mess. You pick off all the chocolate with your teeth and then you eat the peanut butter bar. However, die hard Butterfinger consumers pick the peanut butter bar into flakes (with their teeth, fingers get too messy). Thus savoring the $.88 bar for as long as possible.

Any questions?

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