Monday, November 10, 2008

The Path of Least Resistance

Time for a brand new theory, which basically means that it will be unpolished and subject to change because I'm kind of making it up as I go. Not that I don't have observations to help back me up, but the theory itself, well, you know, theories are unproved things anyway so who cares, let's jump in.

Today's brand spanking new theory is The Path of Least Resistance. What is that? You may ask. Well for $2.99 I'll tell you. Just kidding I'll tell you for free ninety nine!

I have noticed, and not that often because the opportunity doesn't present itself too much in my surroundings, but I have noticed that some guys will get together with their ex-girlfriends if for no other reason than it's the easiest thing to do. Therefore it is my theory of the path of least resistance. Why do you go back to an old girlfriend? Because you don't have to work as hard, they already know you, therefore you don't have to go through all of that again. You can just pick up where you left off instead of going through the agonizing beginnings of dating uncertainty.

For example, there was a guy at church (let's call him B2...oh, yeah, that's because we already call him that). He liked my roommate, (sorry to roommate who might get pissed at me for the mention of all of this and I could be off on details anyway, but since this is just opinion then bare with me). It was obvious that he liked my roommate, and he totally got jealous when she hung out with other guys but there was a disconnect somewhere. To the outside eye it would seem that he should just start dating her, because if you like someone then why not right? But I am girl and will never, no matter how hard I try, be able to comprehend a man's reasoning or thought process. Just so you know, they didn't get together, which is okay because she's got someone of maybe not a higher caliber, but of a different caliber. And B2 you ask? Yeah, he's back with the ex-girlfriend that he said he would never date again. One has to ponder...why? The only thing I can come up with is that she was the path of least resistance, how hard is it to get something you already had unless you burned bridges? Then it's dang hard. But if you remained friends after the break-up then it's all left open, it could happen again, even if the guy says, "never again".

Actually, the path of least resistance doesn't only apply to guys getting back together with exgirlfriends (It isn't even limited to guys, but girls have been known to do the same thing). There are also fresh relationships and hookups that fall under the least resistance umbrella. For example: Babyface and Sour Grapes at work. My friend told me that he was trying to get Babyface and this one girl (Sour Grapes McGee) to go out. My initial reaction was, "really? her?" You see, I couldn't picture the two of them together for several reasons. First being that Babyface is an awesome guy and Sour Grapes well, let's just take in to account that I have given her the name of Sour Grapes. I'm always nice to her, I have no reason not to be, however she bugs me. Not only is she incredibly self absorbed but - oh wait, I think everything traces back to being self absorbed. She's always complaining, and I know that lately I seem to be doing that, but it's one thing to have an off day here or there, it's another to just come to expect it from certain people. Babyface doesn't need a complainer like her and frankly, she's too young to be the type of complainer she is. I feel like telling her that if she thinks it's this bad now wait until she gets older. Chronic complainers rarely ever see the light at the end of the tunnel until it's the light, if know what I mean. It's not that they have rotten lives, in fact some of them have great lives, but unfortunately can't recognize that. (Kind of like my sister-in-law but I won't get in that right now).

In addition to that from what I know Babyface can't stand the girl, but she was open and ready for the possibilities, so what did he do? He started to date her. It doesn't make sense to me, and I suppose when things don't make sense to me I have to try and make them make sense. Know what I mean? If not it's okay, I'm sure many people don't know what I mean.

I don't know if I just got off topic or not. It's Monday and I don't want to be here at work, I know that's not a good excuse but it's all I have for now.

Today's word is Caveat: A warning or caution. For example, I have a few caveats about my blog entries.

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