Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Boys Are Back In Town.

It is no secret now that I am an anti-feminist . What this is essentially, is a person who feels that the feminist movement swung too far on the freedom pendulum. I am all for voting and having rights. Those are good things, I'm glad that I can be in the workplace with other woman and not waste away in my parent's home because no guy has gotten the guts to seek my hand in marriage or whatever the world used to be like. I would have hated to live in the oppressed nature that women were in the past that threw them into fighting for their rights.

There was a time when being a tough woman was necessary. Now I wonder if it's overrated. When did we cross the line of fighting for equality to demeaning the opposite gender?

When did we go from this...To this...
and this...

and this...

And let's not forget this one...
Did the men ever make stickers, wallets, bags, and various other merchandise calling women stupid? Yes, they've done their fair share demoralizing women, I'm not trying to give them a pass. But how the heck is this equality? What favors are we doing for the children of the future? Women who will soon begin to think that boys are dumb and stupid (who actually think 2+2=5) and then if they should love one of them to feel that they themselves are stupid for doing so. Boys, who surveys show already are falling behind in subjects that previously boys had been strong in, buying into the labels that our negatively feminist charged society is feeding them.

My ten year old cousin likes this ryhme, "Girls go to college to get more knowledge, boys go to jupiter to get stupidor." I mean, when I was younger we had, "Girls rule and boys drool." Both sayings can be swapped for the opposite gender, but why are they even being said? Ten year olds believe it, at least they believe that they should believe it.

Rosie the Riveter

The reason we can never truly capture equality among the sexes is because we don't understand the real essence of equality. Men have their strengths (and their weaknesses) and woman are the same, we just have different sets of weaknesses. The human body tells us this. Men tend to have stronger upper bodies, women have the leg muscles of beasts, not sure if you believe me? Challenge a guy and girl to a leg wrestle and see who wins (chances are it will be the girl) and the same with an arm wrestle the champion is most likely to be a boy (there are always exceptions).

Women aren't that much better off than they once were. They are certainly better in the private scene, but to the male dominant world around them they are in fact worse than they were before.

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