Friday, November 14, 2008

Chivalry is Not Dead

It's just changed.

Last night was my "meeting" with NTR, which really I don't know if we ever talked about what he wanted to talk about. I went to play basketball and we played for two hours and then afterwards we talked, but I'll just go ahead and get into the story rather than giving you the summary.

Basketball went pretty well, I have to say I played really well. I'm a little proud of myself today for how hard I played and how well I played. Even the boys were saying that I was playing really well. Just have to throw that in there since usually I am sucking it up. In the first game we played I went to move to the left and my right foot did something funny and I heard a crackling sound. I had trouble moving my foot at first but I walked it off and then went back to play several more games. My foot slowly began to stiffen after we were done playing and then this morning I could barely stand on it. I went to Patient First and got an X-ray and crutches. It's not broken, it's really no big deal, but I didn't want any of you who will see me this weekend to be surprised by the sight of me on crutches.

Okay, back to NTR. After we finished playing the boys decided that they wanted to go to Wal-Mart and get Limeades, apparently it is tradition though I think they have only gone once. So, having carpooled, I went along for the ride. But we were waiting outside of the church building until everyone is ready to go. NTR starts to tell me that it could never work out between us because I could beat him up. Oh darn...I think to myself. Then he says that he wouldn't want a girlfriend that could beat him up. Then he kept going saying he really wouldn't want a girlfriend that he was afraid of. Again - oh darn (sarcastic). So then he tries to explain his "You don't act like a girl" comment and dug himself deeper in the hole. He started to tell me that it was just that he could easily talk to me, and he can't easily talk to girls (not my problem) and that he felt like I was the kind of person he could go to and talk about his girl problems. I looked him right in the eye and said, "No you can't, cause I don't care about your girl problems." Why would I care about a guy's girl problems? Do they care about my guy problems? No. I'm through with being the buddy with people, even when it's guys I have absolutely no interest in, I refuse to be the sounding board for pathetic girl problems that they don't really want advice on because if they did they would take the advice. So you know what? The factory closed down, advice and sympathy are no longer in production. So I tell them I have to go to the bathroom and I'll be going to the ladies bathroom.

Einstein (the smartest kid I know and the guy who drives me to basketball each week) had been telling NTR to stop digging himself in a hole. When I came back outside NTR was giving Einstein a choke hold hug and Einstein was telling him to let go. Then NTR gets all up in my face (literally, I'm not even just trying to talk like, "he was all up in my grill" kind of talk, he really was all up in my face) and he's talking to me about who knows what and Einstein walks over to the car and opens my door. I thank him and get in the car. Einstein is telling NTR that we aren't going to wait around for the others, we'll meet them at Wal-Mart. NTR gets up in my doorway and is talking to Einstein and kind of ticking him off and I interrupt to say something and NTR says, "Don't interrupt the men are talking." To which I gave him the silent treatment and Einstein told him we were really leaving. I could tell it upset Einstein and it bothered me a little, but not a whole lot....though I'm thinking it should have. NTR says goodbye to the others in the car and tries to say goodbye to me but he's getting the silent treatment so he closes the door but the only way NTR knows how to close doors is by slamming them. He wasn't angry, he's just like a little boy who is too strong for his own good.

So we go over to Wal-Mart and go stand by the limeade waiting for the others. Then we can hear NTR before we see anyone and Einstein looks at me and apologizes that we are about to have another NTR encounter.

I survive it and Little Brother (just the most adorable, wonderful person I know, but he's younger, shorter, and a bit too weird for me) offers to buy me a limeade because I didn't bring money with me. Then we're walking up to the register as a large group but with many different little conversations going on and Einstein is next to Little Brother and I know that they are talking about what happened in the parking lot. So when it's just me and Little Brother he turns to me and he asks me if I was okay. I got a little choked up because I always do when someone sincerely asks me if I'm okay. I did the tough girl routine that I always do (and need to get rid of) and waved it off saying it didn't bother me that much and Little Brother said, "It bothers me." Which, to me is one of the sweetest things a guy can say. It did begin to bother me after that, because I shouldn't be spoken to that way, even in joking. It meant a lot to me that these guys had an understanding of that because I feel like a lot of the times we write off the boys as less than they are. I know my old roommate does that. These are fantastic guys that are around us, really fantastic guys.

Oh and I didn't even mention that after the last basketball game I went into the kitchen to get paper towels and clean off my leg because it was bleeding pretty badly and TDH jr. came in to see if I was okay, he saw the blood and wanted to make sure I was okay. Just love me. I mean, I did the stupid tough girl thing and said I was okay (which I was, it was no big deal) but I should have been more like, "Oh, could you come and help me?" But I just don't think that quickly.

Point being, these guys care more than they are given credit for and I think any girl would be lucky to have any one of them and I'm sick and tired of girls who keep saying that these boys are less than the amazing guys that they are. That they act stupid, treat girls badly, and such, just because they don't ask you out doesn't mean they lack character, in some instances they are better people just for not asking certain girls at church out. But I'm not getting in to that. I'm renewing my advocacy for the male species...there's a lot of hope for them, especially when they are more aware of how I should be treated than I am.

Just wanted to share my tale of chivalry, sans knights and fiery dragons...or even life saving events.

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