Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Being Peed On

Looks like another long boring day at work, though it's already 9:00 am (woo-who!) I woke up at 8:10, which is a bit cumbersome since I have to be to work by 8:30. So I pulled my greasy hair back (making myself gag here), did the best job I could with my make-up, picked out an outfit in my mind only to find that I could not find the outfit so quickly changed again. I couldn't find my shoes so I had to put on a pair that I had to remind myself not to walk into the office with (I had a back up pair of black dressy shoes in my car) and skipped breakfast. Oh, and as I was driving to work I realized I forgot my D.O. but I couldn't turn around at this point it was already past 8:30. Rough morning.
Boss Lady, however (as well as many other "bosses") is out for the day, an off site manager training or something like that. Not really sure, all I know is that her day is already worse than mine. She had to be there at 7:30 (yes, in the a.m.) and will be there well past 5:00 p.m. because "cocktails" start at 4:30 last until 5:00 and then they have more work to do. What could you possibly talk about for that amount of time!? But then again, our new CEO seems to be a bit long winded (like me) so I can imagine him taking up the whole time.
The good news's payday!" border="0" />
Which I had forgotten about, but someone was so kind as to remind me. Fantastic, life just got a little better. Just a little bit though.
Seeing as I have plenty of time today I thought it would be a good opportunity to explain the Philosophy (or Theory, heck if I know, I'm tired here) of Being Peed On." border="0" />

First, this dog has some talent, and little to no fear of the splash effect.

Here's the story. When I first graduated from college I worked at my high school job (better than no job is all I have to say to people who are snubbing their noses right now). Since it was my high school job it is no surprise that it is also the high school job of current high school kids. This is where I met Puppy Love, at least that's my nickname for him and for those of you who read along with the old blog you might have read about him too (depending on when you started to read). Puppy Love was 17, I was 23. Age didn't matter to Puppy Love, one random day he e-mailed me and told me that he liked me. I didn't really know how to react, high school boys egos can be fragile (I think). But he got the name Puppy Love because at work he would always come up and want a hug, which I sometimes gave, but I'm not really a hugging individual so I cut him off at a few a week, which is nominal considering each time he saw me he wanted a hug. We're talking he walked outside and came back in - time for a hug break. Uh, no thank you. Crap, I'm sorry that I get so easily distracted. The point behind telling you about Puppy Love is letting you know that this kid had declared his feelings for me. I tried to respect that by not going around and telling people.

One day I was hanging out in the back of the store with a friend of mine and we were talking about work and I told him that I didn't like working with Puppy Love because he hugged me too much to which my friend says, "because he has a crush on you." I was thrown off a little and couldn't remember if I had told this friend that, so I asked him if I had and he said that Puppy Love told him. Then he got nervous and asked if Puppy Love had told me yet. I told him that he had but I didn't think he would tell anyone so then my friend says that pretty much all the kids on the front end knew that Puppy Love liked me. That's when it hit me, I had been peed on. I knew from past experiences, whether of my own or of my friends, that being peed on was not something new.

It seems that when a guy likes a girl he's got to mark his territory, like a dog, and therefore "pee" on the girl so that the other boys know. This is different than the Soda'>">Soda Can Theory in the fact that when a girl "explodes" she's just saying it because she can't hold it in, she doesn't spread it to the world around, she just tells her friends. When you "pee" on someone you tell everyone, friend or foe, this one's mine.

Well, it's now 10 o'clock, thank you for helping me get this far in my work day (running downstairs and to get water also helped me speed the morning up a bit). I imagine time will slow down now that I have nothing more to say. But thanks for your readership and patience. Blah, blah, blah.

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