Thursday, May 10, 2007

Chapter 32: Well That's Not Going To Hold Up In Court

So I have this thing apparently with 17 year olds. We were hitting 50% as of December. There was one 17 year old in love with me and I was in love with a different 17 year old. I know I have problems. I don’t really want to bother with how this shouldn’t even be happening. I just want to get on with my story.
Now, at my new store there is this kid, I remember him from before I started working there. I had helped out training there one day and all I remembered about him was that he had the nicest eyes I had ever seen! So when I started working there it wasn’t hard to remember that I had seen him before. Of course, trying to rid myself of bad karma I didn’t really bother trying to get to know him, because when a guy has the prettiest eyes you’ve ever seen you’re bound to want to just look at them all the time. But he slowly got to know me. He would say something to me here or there when we ran into each other in the store. I think I got the stamp of approval one night we he said something about shooting himself because he was so bored and I told him to wait until he got home so we wouldn’t have to clean up the mess. Apparently my sick humor attracts some people. I may have made a mistake a couple of weeks ago. I gave him a gold star (they are pins that we get for doing something good and he had brought a trainee upstairs for me so I wouldn’t have to). I gave him a little too much attention with that I suppose. Then he starts coming over to me and “bumping” into me. Let me just put a disclaimer that I’m not good at flirting and I’m not good at telling when people are flirting with me. But I can tell that this is kid is a flirtatious little twerp. He has a strange way of making me feel a little uncomfortable and a little flattered at the same time. He’s the kind of kid that a married woman would have an affair with. It’s supposed to be a compliment but I realize that it probably doesn’t come out that way. He just makes me think of characters in books that have had affairs with older women. He’s just that kind of charmer I suppose, and to be honest, I almost feel like the married woman in the stories. I don’t know if that makes sense, but it’s just that I feel like maybe I like him and I know that I shouldn’t, and I also feel like he knows that I like him. Which is exactly how it is in any story where a woman has an affair with a younger man; the worst thing is when they realize that the woman likes them.
I can’t go to straight ignore so that I don’t bother myself with this kid, I was never good at going to straight ignore mode when someone didn’t do something to piss me off. I just have to be careful what I say and do to this kid and I have to resist the urge to flirt back when he flirts with me and then maybe one day either he or I will quit and that will be that. I will keep you abreast of any further developments.

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