Sunday, February 11, 2007

Chapter 12: Hunger Pains

Tonight when I was at work TDH was there too. He was just working in the store as a cashier and I was training. We worked together yesterday and he was telling me about how he hasn’t been feeling well lately. He did a “T.M.I.” (Too much information) yesterday and told me pretty much all about it. I told him to go to a doctor and he said that if he didn’t feel well by the end of the week he would go in. So I said, “hmm, one more day” seeing as today was the end of the week. So he went this morning. He’s not aloud to eat anything solid; he has to just drink liquids for 36 hours. So I clasped my hands together and said, “I think on my break I will go get…” I was going to say hamburger but I didn’t really want to make him suffer and I worried that naming food would just take him over the edge. Considering he hasn’t been able to hold on to anything he’s eaten in about a week I just couldn’t let myself be that cruel.
Later one of the ladies from accounting was upstairs when we both were and she said, “Ya’ll look alike” and I thought she said, “They all look alike.” A curse of the Southern dialect is that Southerners are lazy enough with their words as is, but a group of people over the number of two is referred to as “ya’ll”. I suppose it’s not really a curse, but sure does make it hard to understand them sometimes. I can refer to them as “them” because while I may be natural born Southerner, I don’t really have the drawl, at least most of the time. So in response to what she said, I said, “The trainees?” Because well, today I started to train the wrong person. They do all look alike. I was telling him how to bag and then he did a frustration sigh and I realized he wasn’t my trainee, he was one of the baggers. I felt bad but at the same time, if he had been doing it right, I wouldn’t have had to say anything. Still a little embarrassed, and the kid may hate me now…but I’ll be over it by the end of the week. Anyway, back to the story, so she said, “No, ya’ll” I said, “Is it because I look like a boy?” She ignored my question and TDH said, “Well, maybe because the dark hair, etc. We look like we could be brother and sister.” Okay, this is my second long lost brother in a month, it’s getting creepy. So she asks if we are brother and sister, because I suppose the training department thinks it would be cute to hire siblings. We both say, “no” and then she asks, “Is he your boyfriend?” That leaves the question solely to me. Not a problem answering since we haven’t even gone on a date so it’s not like we were at a confusing part of a relationship and I didn’t want to say ‘yes’ if he thought ‘no’. But for some reason I didn’t like the question being directed at me. The way you answer a question like that could affect the answer to a question like that. If that makes sense. What kind of tone did you use when you said ‘no’? You know? Anyway, it doesn’t matter really, but I just worry about people reading into things.
Anyway, TDH decided to finally go home and rest (even though the doctor told him to go home today and rest, not go into work). He said it was hard getting through his four hour day…you know, feeling weak and all. It’s tough being anorexic

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