Monday, December 31, 2007

Chapter 84: Quarter-Century Crisis

I wish that when I was young I had a clear idea of what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wish I had a clear idea when I was in college. Instead, I have always wandered without any specific direction. I’m going to be 25 years old in two weeks (which I would have actually forgotten but my sister-in-law was so kind as to remind me of how far away my birthday was). Since I am turning a quarter of a century old I got to thinking about what I have accomplished so far. I have a full time job where I have no clue what exactly I’m supposed to be doing, and wondering when it is going to start to actually require some effort on my part. I can say that I got my college education; I just can’t say that I’m actually putting it to good use. I have yet to have a job that required a bachelor’s degree. My first full time job could be attained with a high school education and my current job could be attained with an associate’s degree. I have always loved to write, but have never made much out of anything that I’ve written, nor do I think I have the internal motivation to make that happen, or the natural talent to sell anything. As expected another year has gone by completely devoid of romance, and the prospects for the coming year look dim. I honestly think that if I didn’t have this job, a dog, and a car payment that I might pack up and move on from here. I swear if the dynamics of my job don’t change soon I doubt I could last another year, I need more than this. I can’t waste my days blogging at work or counting furniture, rechecking addresses, or alphabetizing RSVP cards. I don’t like that I know the exact number of leather chairs in the office (57 by the way). Though I feel like a lot has changed since 12 months ago I’m still sitting here wondering when life is going to begin. I suppose you could say I’m going through a quarter century crisis.

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