Monday, June 18, 2007

Chapter 41: LIke a worm from the bird

I for the most part get along with Motor Mouth. I really do, I’m not lying. Okay, so maybe that is mostly due to the fact that I have been out of town for a majority of this month. And lately when I’m in town I’ve been over at my parent’s house a lot. But last night I got home from North Carolina and I was in my room, I don’t really remember what I was doing, but I know I had a movie going and I was just ready to fall asleep. In North Carolina 9:30 seemed like 1:30 so I was tired by that time the whole weekend, so being home I was still in that. I was already up half an hour after my weekend bed time and I hear a knock at my door. There’s no guessing who it is, no, really, no guessing, I know who it is. Diva would have called me on the phone and I believe that Jellybean’s boyfriend was here so it certainly wasn’t her. Without realizing it I rolled my eyes and sighed. How long would it be this time? With Motor Mouth it always starts with a simple, “Just wanted to make sure you’re alive” (because I mentioned once that I believed I could die in my room and no one would realize it for days because I always hang out in my room, big mistake, now she’s just got a reason to come to my door at least once a day) or “just wanted to say welcome home.” But she’s got other intentions. Last night she pulled the ‘welcome home’ card and I said ‘thank you’ or whatever you’re supposed to do and then I don’t even remember how she got going but I got to hear about how sick she’s been and how crazy her life is, and how she’s taking too many classes at school. The next two weeks are going to be hell and then she’s got three projects due the week after that (see, I do listen to people, even when I don’t want to). And she’s trying to be nice to Bull (okay, intro of a new character). Pardon me while I introduce you. Bull, why do I call her that? First off, because I keep thinking of someone else’s last name every time I say her first name, that person’s last name happens to be “Bull”. Beyond that, she happens to be full of it, and what do you say when you are too lazy or too polite to complete the phrase “Bull Shit”? That’s right, “Bull”. You still get the idea out without saying the complete phrase and you can even say it to your mom because it’s edited, you know, should your mom happen to be full of it some time. So now you kind of know how I feel about her. And isn’t it odd that Bull and Motor Mouth disdain each other? Two mortal enemies locked in combat with me constantly in the middle. Oh did I mention that Bull and I have to work closely in church? And then there’s the obvious roommate-ship between me and Motor. All of this compiling to wrap me up in drama most of the time that I am at church or at home.
However, Motor Mouth seems to be making an effort to get along with Bull. She tried the “Kill her with kindness” approach and that backfired, I don’t know if she knows it backfired. I do however, because remember, I’m in the middle. Then she decided to just be nice, which I think is helping, I know that it’s helping me to get along with her better because I get to see the ever worsening side to Bull, who I am slowly coming to believe is about 87.4% evil. The fact that she can’t just accept the try on Motor Mouth’s part but rather assume that Motor Mouth is trying to go for world domination, which I personally never even noticed, I don’t mind other people being in charge. The part that kills me is that from the looks of it Bull is also rallying to put herself in the world domination role. All while trying to seduce a man that she cannot have…probably because he’s gay but knows it’s wrong so won’t admit it…oh that was mean, so mean that I would almost take it back if in the deep recesses of my mind it wasn’t the only solution that leaves the world making sense. She probably, no, I take that back, it’s not probably, it is definitely hates Motor Mouth stemming from a prior affiliation with Coz, oh that’s right, the guy I’ve been talking about is Coz. Coz seems to be the kind of guy that once he can have you he doesn’t want you and there’s no way to figure out if he ever wanted you because of this. He’s not shy about going after girls that he doesn’t think he can get, I’ve seen plenty of that. But back to Bull, as I said this hatred stems from Coz, Coz is not all encompassing. I suppose it just happens when two control freaks ram heads. Just seems like a lot of drama over a boy who doesn’t seem interested in attainable women.
But back to the story at hand, whew, we really get off track when we introduce new characters. So, Motor is trying to help out Bull in probably the most extravagant event in the history of the church. I “unfortunately” will be unable to attend due to work obligations, but I hope for budget’s sake that the event turns out well, otherwise what a waste of money. So that was in Motor’s spiel as well. At this point I am leaning against the door frame with one arm inside my room as though if I let go I wouldn’t be able to return. The thing that bugs me a little about Motor Mouth is that when you think the conversation is over and she’s about to say ‘goodnight’ or something, she tries to start a new subject. She’s like a fire you can’t put out. You douse it in water and yet it keeps coming back. Better yet, she’s like those birthday candles that relight. Those are so annoying.

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