Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Chapter 27: Something Has to Change

So I am about to tell you about the weirdest dream that had it’s own stream of consciousness. I don’t remember how the dream started, but I’ll start where I remember. I was putting together those little trains that are magnetic, you know, there for little kids and the one end hooks to the end of another train piece because a little magnetic bulb at each end. I was having trouble with them because I wanted to put something else magnetic in between them, also some of the pieces had circles cut out of their tops so that they could fit little Chinese checkers pegs in them. Suddenly the train was actually a boat and instead of Chinese checker pegs they were people. There was someone that was kind of hooked up to the back of the boat with a kite like apparatus attached to him. He was trying to get a birds eye view or something like that, of a shark. Then the weather changed suddenly so everyone was trying to get to their stations (The little circles for the pegs were the stations). The guy with the kite like thing got pulled away by the wind and the chick on the ship was saying something about her station and one of the guys told her it was the most dangerous spot on the boat. So she went with the two guys to a different station and hers got crushed by a giant pole. Then the boat was gone and I was the girl suddenly and I was worried about that shark we had been trying to watch but also worried about finding everyone else. I found one guy but the other one and the kite guy most have died or something. We were rescued and taken back to land.
Then suddenly (I hate dream transitions because they really don’t make any sense) I was with Baby Face and we were getting ready to walk into this old lady’s home. She had a million and one cats and I was trying to avoid stepping on them as I walked with the lady, she seemed to know that we were coming. I had a blanket wrapped around me like I had when they had pulled me out of the ocean, so I felt like I had just survived a ship wreck. She handed me these two books, the covers were leather and they looked like they locked together at one point and let’s face it, they looked really creepy. She said, “I finished reading your books” and when she said that I felt like I had written them. My response was, “Oh really? I haven’t even read my books yet.” And she told me not to. Not because they sucked but because just as their appearance what was written on the inside was more creepy then the look of the books.
Then Baby Face and I sat down next to each other on the lady’s couch sitting across from her. There was other things on the couch (looked like little packages she was getting ready to send out) so Baby Face and I were sitting really close to each other. She handed each of us what looked like a Christmas Card. On the cover was a picture of my Aunt and Uncle who probably haven’t seen each other for three years now, but they were smiling and waving at the camera like they were normal people (not the white trash that they normally appear (and are) to be). I glanced quickly at Baby Face’s and I swore that I saw my name on his in nice old lady cursive. I wanted to know what it said about me but I knew that was inappropriate to start reading his card. The inside of my card was completely filled with writing on both sides and the first line was, “Because how often do we see these two together?” referring to my aunt and uncle. I was tired (probably from being shipwrecked) so I started to lay my head on Baby Face’s arm but then I pulled up because I wasn’t sure if that was alright. There was some cue that it was okay so I put my head back down and I started to fall asleep, but I was concentrating on my breathing, I didn’t want to snore and I didn’t want to drool, but when I breathed through my nose I was congested and when I opened my mouth to breath it sounded a little funny too, but finally I just fell asleep. When I woke up Baby Face was asleep too. I panicked for a second because I remembered the packages on the couch next to me and worried that while I was asleep I laid on them. But they were gone and the old lady was still sitting where she had been but there were other people there too, one being my sister who just had a baby. The lady told me that she had already mailed out the packages a couple of months ago, apparently Baby Face and I had been sleeping for 5 months! I started to wake him up all panicked because not only is 5 months a long time but he had been sleeping through his mission. It was a big controversy with the people in the room and they all blamed me for it. This guy that I didn’t know decided that they should grab another piece of paper and reassign him for his mission since he had already missed 5 months of where he was supposed to be. For some reason I was objecting to this because it wasn’t fair, Baby Face had been looking forward to going where he was assigned. Someone in all this chaos I started to talk to my sister and she was saying something about how big she was and I asked if she was pregnant again and she gave me this look and I was like, “Oh duh, of course not that would take a couple more months” (since her husband is in Iraq right now). Which actually only upset her more so I left everyone and walked outside of the room and ended up going into a kitchen.
Someone was throwing muffins and biscuits onto storage shelves for cooling. I was looking at them thinking it would be fun to open my own restaurant or bakery when I noticed that something behind the shelves was leaking. I saw a miniature pitcher hanging from the wall full of some liquid that looked like water. I followed where the drips were going and they were falling into a container that held kiwis. I turned to the only other person in the room and called out to her, she scowled at me and I just innocently smiled and she said, “Oh you little heart warmer” and smiled back. Then I asked her what was in the pitcher and she said that she didn’t know and didn’t want to find out. So suddenly in my brain someone was trying to kill someone else, I just had to find out who wanted to kill who. So I run out of the room and am in one of the grocery stores that I train for, and this kid that I kind of dated in high school was working there again. He was putting away a cart when I came out of the room and he said some smart ass comment about how I made Baby Face sleep for 5 months. I really don’t like that kid anymore. So I ignored him and found someone (I thought it was one of my sisters, but I’m not sure) and started to ask her who was allergic to kiwis. She told me I watched too much law and order. Then a lady came over with a carry out cart and tried to put it away with the shopping carts and got an attitude with me for not helping her put it in the wrong place and I told her that they belongs up front and took it up there. There was a feeling that I was no longer a trainer, and may have even been new to the store, but a lot of the faces had changed and I went to a register with this kid who was trying to scan a green onion (they don’t have bar codes) and so I told him the code (4068) and he hit 4-0-6-6. I told him that was wrong and told him the code again; he hit 4-0-8-8. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with this kid but I stepped up and entered the right code for him. I saw Bulldog and I asked him if he was allergic to kiwis. Then I woke up and it was 11 o’clock in the morning.
It’s dreams like this that make me realize that I need to change my job. It’s stressing me out more then I originally thought it was and I am not handling the stress well. I’m more frazzled then ever, I mean, forgetting my age, sincerely forgetting my age? My vocabulary has shrunk, my dreams are peppered with moments in a grocery store, and if I’m not dieing someone is. I would like to really fall asleep for 5 months, I wonder how I can go about making that happen.

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