Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Chapter 111: You're making me angry

Okay, I have to get something off of my chest. I like Newbie, but sometimes she bugs me. It’s interesting because it’s not the kind of bug where I need to get as far away from her as possible (thought sometimes I do need a break) it’s the kind of annoyance like my sister sometimes is. She is so much like my sister and when I’m not in a good mood it doesn’t help. It’s not that I’m in a bad mood necessarily, but I’m getting there.
So Newbie and I for some reason doing all the work of finding a house even though the whole idea was Dino-girl’s. I mean, we could’ve stayed in the house we’re in until the day we die but Dino-girl is moving and asked me to be her roommate which started this whole thing.
Well, we had a house that we were very close to getting but someone else beat us to it, by possibly 1 day. So after about 2 hours of thinking and moping about not getting this house I really wanted I got back to work, as did Newbie. We both found the same house at the same time so Newbie e-mailed and we even drove over 10 o’clock at night to look at it. But they won’t e-mail back and we have both called and left messages…nothing. So then she e-mailed one house and I e-mailed another. The one I e-mailed happens to be in New York, I don’t want to even talk about why that house shouldn’t have even shown up on my search. So Newbie found one and we are going to go take a look at it, well, we are going to try. I told her I could go tonight so she e-mails me and we make arrangements to meet up and go take a look. So I ask her, just to double check, if she has scheduled this with the guy. She writes back and says, “No, but I’m in class so you can do it.” I don’t know why, but it pissed me off. First off I’m at work, I don’t make personal calls during work, I have done it once because my cousin’s school called because he was sick and they couldn’t get in touch with anyone else, so one personal call to call them back. I can’t even call until 5…and one more thing, I don’t even have the guys number, she’s been the one in contact with him since the beginning. I haven’t even written her back because I would only reply rudely and I don’t feel like back peddling. I can see her saying it to, because she sometimes gets angry at people for stupid reasons, like if someone goes to the movies and doesn’t invite her. I personally don’t care, if you were already out and decided to go to the movies with the group of people you’re with you shouldn’t have to think about calling someone who’s not even there. I would do the same thing. She’s gotten upset about this on more than one occasion because she feels like she’s entitled to an invite. I know it’s horrible to say, but right now I’m getting sick of her.
I’m just tired, I’ve been super busy for who knows how long now and I’m sick and tired of looking for a place to live. I don’t even want to live with these girls anymore. (I know that this is probably a momentary thing) but it’s ticking me off right now. I just want a week night where I can stay at home and not feel like I’m supposed to be somewhere doing something. I’m still mad about Monday when I sat in the parking lot of the church for an hour and ten minutes waiting for the building to even open when I was told that we would be meeting at 7:30. Tuesday night I don’t mind not being home because I absolutely love Institute class, it’s my only sane responsibility. Tonight I’m supposed to meet with a friend and play games, because somehow I got sucked into this weekly tradition, tomorrow I have to go on visits for church, as far as I know though Friday is open and I plan to just stay at home, only thing is, Newbie will probably want to hang out or come in my room. Sometimes a girl just needs to be left alone and I haven’t been left alone in a long time. Last Saturday I had to take the time, I skipped a meeting I was supposed to go to and I did things that I had been meaning to do for a while. Washing my car, my dog, doing laundry, etc. I’m not even replying to the e-mail. I don’t know if I will before 5 o’clock, but if I don’t I don’t care. I’ve stopped caring. Unneeded stress is getting eliminated right now.
Then I have stress here at work. I keep asking people questions, when you ask someone a question for work it usually awaits an answer, I’m not throwing out rhetorical questions here! After a week and half I e-mail a lady back because I had e-mailed her a question and I wasn’t getting an answer. So I e-mail her and ask her if she’s had a chance to review my e-mail and possibly had an answer for me. She e-mails back almost immediately and repeats herself from what she said before…well, that’s where my question originated from, but it’s not the answer to it, you’re just going back a couple of steps. But she also gives me a customer service number I can call to get the answer. I’m happy to call the customer service number but I’m thinking, “Shouldn’t our account rep know the answer to this?” Considering it just had to do with changing a person’s address. So I call the customer service and this guy throws me off by asking for a member number, so after a little bit of stuttering I said, “I don’t have an account with you as an individual I just have a question. So he lets me get a freebie and I ask my change of address question, his answer, “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that will do it.” Oh…okay, so I have to go with an answer of “pretty sure” because my rep is clueless and the customer service guys is my only hope. So I tell my boss verbatim what the guy said.
Then I had an issue with this kid passing an exam but he never gave me the registration papers to sign up for the class. So I e-mail the lady I send the registrations to and asked her if he registered directly with her or what because I can’t find the forms. She is usually pretty good at responding but 7 hours later she finally writes back that he switched his testing window from the previous testing window due to extenuating circumstances. Hello? That’s not what I asked! I don’t care that he switched testing windows, I still have no record of his registering to take the class…how do you put that in polite, professional terms?
I had had it, thinking about Newbie, and not getting responses to the actual questions I’m asking, and thinking about how much I don’t want to do anything right now, and then there are boys and how nothing seems to go right with them, and anything else you can think of, I’m stressed. So I took my “smoke” break and went and sat on a bench outside. On my way out I passed one of the managers and he seemed sad, and I know why though because his wife was in a car accident, a pretty bad one from what I understand, so he was outside actually smoking and that made me stop thinking about myself for a while, but then I got to thinking of other things, self centered, and just sat on the bench, contemplating not coming back in. Then these two lawyers walk out of the building and I look up and the younger one (totally cute, darker skin, black hair, gorgeous smile) and I make eye contact and for once in my life I smile instead of nervously look away and come off as a snob and he smiles back and keeps looking back at me for a bit and we are both smiling and then I get uncomfortable and look away. That is me, that’s how I am with guys…what a Dumbo. P.S. still haven’t e-mailed Newbie back.

1 comment:

C$ said...

You've finally seen the sure you still want to live with her?