Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chapter 108: Indecision

So I found a house to rent, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, $995/month. It sounds great, except one thing, no pets. In case it slipped your notice I have a dog. I’ve been venting to my sister through e-mail about this because I would really like to move and I’d like to move into this house, but I have a dog. I told her sometimes I hated that I had a dog, but I love him, I made sure to tell her that. Then I tried to think of options, maybe he could be a border at my parent’s house for a year until I’m ready to buy my own place, my sister suggested getting an outdoor kennel and promising not to let him in the house. I like both ideas but sometimes I feel like my sister thinks I’m a horrible person for suggesting that my dog not live with me for a year. I love my dog, I really do, but it’s not like this type of thing hasn’t been done before. People do it with their children much less their dogs. Sometimes I wonder how I got myself mixed up with this puppy owning business and then I remember that I was there when they were born, I had a way out, my sister wasn’t going to hold me to the impulsive agreement to own one, but when I held Chubbers in my hand I just loved him.
If I am going to have him live at my parent’s house I am going to write up a contract stating that it’s only for a year, and that in that time I will put him through obedience school, pay for all his expenses, and possibly employ the children to help feed and water him. I don’t know, do you think I’m a bad person for this?


Rub said...

Glad you're back.

BTW, I don't think you're a horrible person for feeling this way. It's the fear of that feeling that has prevented me from getting a dog. It's a long commitment. Are your parents okay with the arrangement?

I definitely do not support him being outside 365 days a year. Chubbers isn't that kind of dog. He's an inside dog.

C$ said...

I think we need to have a chat about this.