Monday, August 06, 2007

Chapter 49: One Way Only

If MM asks me one more question centered around Bull I am going to beat the crap out of her. Bull wasn’t at church today, do I care? No, not really. Do I know why? Absolutely not. Life petered to normal the rest of the day and then around 9:45 I hear a knock on my bedroom door. Then I hear little fingernails tapping. I want to rip those fingernails off. Then in a high pitched voice she calls for my dog. I stopped myself a few nanoseconds before I said something rude loudly. Then I opened the door, I made sure it was the uninviting door opening, where you stand there ready to shut it at any moment. She doesn’t seem to be the best at picking up visual cues and I doubt she’s ever really noticed because she’s never really focused on the other person involved in the conversation. She invites herself in despite the warning signs not to. She goes over to my dog and pets him a little and says, “how was church?” like she didn’t go even though she did. Then she says, “I missed Bull at church today was she there?”. I said, “No,”. “Why not?” I just rolled my eyes (because I knew she couldn’t see me) and told her I didn’t know. She tried to make a light of the fact that she was even asking and then left. I guess once she figured out that my well of gossip was dry she had no reason to continue conversation with me.
I just feel like MM uses me as her source of knowledge into the Relief Society and I’m not going to be that for her. I swear the next time she says anything that has to do with relief society or with Bull I will bludgeon her. I can’t tell you how much she aggravates me. During church today I sent Diva a note that told her to options she can choose from to help phase MM out of the house. First is to get two roommates when Jelly Bean moves out because MM said that she wouldn’t live here if we had 5 people here. Then the other option is to take over Jelly Bean’s room and make it our storage room so that when the new roommate comes and takes the room that MM uses to store all of her crap (she really should be paying double rent) then MM will have no where to put all her crap and maybe she’ll realize that she needs a place of her own because she’s not fit to share space with people.
By the way I am not moving out. Diva sent me an e-mail that pretty much changed my mind, that and I am fully aware that I may have been over reacting. However, this new realization that I am not getting away from MM makes life a little more dismal especially coupled with the fact that Ms. X is back. Life was going all right for a while but I suppose everyone has to deal with the natural bumps along the way. Still, if circumstances don’t change by the end of the year I may just have to go ahead and move. But hopefully things will change. It would be nice to be able to get my couch from my sister and to be able to unpack my kitchen stuff though. I love Diva and Jelly Bean, but it would be nice to have a place all my own where I wouldn’t have to hide out in my room so much.

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