Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Chapter 9: Reflection

A lot can change in a year. I was just getting ready to go spend Christmas Eve with my parents and as I was packing I was thinking about last Christmas. Life has changed. Last Christmas I came and visited this house that I am now living in, the dreaded Ms. X, I don’t know if I have ever mentioned her but I am the hero of this story correct? And every hero has an evil nemesis, she is my nemesis. Anyway, Evil Ms. X had her claws into another unsuspecting victim and we were forced to all go bowling together so she could try to rub her happiness in my face, it didn’t work though, I was really carefree last Christmas. I was thinking how another old friend who is no longer a friend thank goodness was in competition with Ms. X for best Christmas present. Unfortunately Ms. X won with her boyfriend buying her a star, a real star. I say, whoop-de-do, but my other friend was heart broken because that is actually what she wanted for Christmas. Sorry, I’m a material girl, living in a material world, a star out in space just doesn’t cut it for me. How do you know for a fact that a hundred other people didn’t just buy the same star? And what’s so unique about a star? There are only a billion gazillion stars out in space. Anyone could have one. So your man is just stupid for wasting money on it. He should have just pointed to one and said, “Hey, that star right there, that’s yours.”
Anyway, Star Man broke up with Ms. X and she is in South America serving a mission for church. Old friend who is no longer a friend thank goodness never got her star and the man who was suppose to give it to her is now married and doesn’t even return her phone calls. So, really, what was the point? Old friend headed south too, but only to South Carolina, unfortunately she is back but doesn’t call (again, thank goodness).
I on the other hand can’t even remember who I wanted to be my Christmas man, if there even was anyone. I did however remember this guy the other day who I apparently had a huge crush on but had completely forgotten about until the other day when I randomly thought about it. There were a lot of “Crushes” during college and a lot of them were very short lived. Mostly because the guys that I like all ended up getting married within a year, how cheap is that?

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